
Dentistry at Phoenix Medical Clinic is a well established dental surgery based in Watford.

We believe that the single most important thing when undertaking any course of dental treatment is having complete faith and belief in the skill and experience of the clinician doing it.

Our team of highly skilled registered dentists ensure that patients receive the best clinical care available and are competently able to manage any dental situation which may arise.

It is our policy for each patient to see one dentist on a continuing basis however, if this is not possible for any reason suitable alternative arrangements will be made to see someone within the practice.

Our dentists have an experience in all aspects of dental care, but in certain cases we may refer patients to colleagues who have special skills in certain types of treatment.

If any aspect of your dental appearance concerns you, no matter how trivial it may seem, please discuss it with us.

Some people feel a deep-seated anxiety about dentistry. We understand. Please discuss your fears with us and we will do everything we can to help.

In our clinic treatments are painless. We have a very effective, high-quality aesthetic, and we do our best to ensure the administration of anaesthesia is completely painless.

The air-conditioned room, with warm yet modern design makes our dental practice friendly and comfortable place for the patient. Modern equipment and only high quality, tested materials allow to shorten the time of the visit and significantly affect the quality of services provided.

Patient safety is our priority, so we make sure that tools and dental equipment was safe and meet the latest standards. Very strict compliance with the procedures for disinfection and sterilization.

We offer a 3 year warranty on services provided in our office. In order to take advantage of the warranty is up visits every 6 months. Regardless of visits warranty period is one year. Warranty starts with the execution of services in our office.

We always try to see patients at the appointed time. If you are kept waiting there is normally a good reason. Please be patient.

If you have to cancel an appointment we require, wherever possible, 24 hours notice. This enables us to make alternative arrangements - perhaps to see someone in pain. There may be a charge for appointments broken without notice.

We wish to reassure our patients and staff that all necessary precautions are being taken in this practice to safeguard both the patients and staff against blood-borne infections, such as Aids and Hepatitis.

We may ask you about any drugs you are taking. Make a note of their names and tell us about them when you attend.

If you change your address or phone number let us know as soon as possible - this helps keep our records up to date and our recall system more efficient.

Children are always welcome - however young they are. We aim to prevent dental disease rather than treat it at a later date.

We hope our surgeries have been equipped to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere in which to treat you. We are always happy to hear your comments.

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We believe that health is the root to happiness in life.
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